
UI Image

Disco Diffusion UI

This is a GUI implementation to interface with a DiscoArt server.

The following settings can be adjusted.

Additionally, the UI supports initial images and generated GIF of the progress.

How to Setup

Simply run the following command to use the pre-built image

docker run -p 8501:8501 -e SERVER_LOCATION="<SERVER LOCATION>" uetuluk/disco-diffusion-ui:latest

Custom Model

You can use the following command to use your custom model, check the Guide.md for more details.

docker run -p 8501:8501 -e SERVER_LOCATION="<SERVER LOCATION>" -e CUSTOM_MODELS='true' -v "$(pwd)"/models.yml:/app/models.private.yml:ro  uetuluk/disco-diffusion-ui:latest

Or follow the commands below to build and run yourself.

Build Image

docker build -t streamlit .

Run Image

docker run -p 8501:8501 -e SERVER_LOCATION="<SERVER LOCATION>" streamlit 

You can now view the UI at localhost:8501 or your-machine-ip:8501

Development Quickstart

1. Create virtualenv

pyenv virtualenv 3.10.4 disco-diffusion-ui
pyenv local disco-diffusion-ui

2. Install requirements

make install-dev

3. Setup Environment

Use direnv and .envrc.example file.

mv .envrc.example .envrc
direnv allow .envrc